Newsletter May 2018


Dear reader,

We are pleased to share two new channelled messages from Jeshua with you.

Also, Pamela’s new book “The Forbidden Female Speaks” is now also available as E-book in ePub and Kindle format.

Warm regards,

Gerrit and Pamela

Two new channelings from Jeshua

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Therapist and Client

"Someone who has severe spiritual problems is somehow convinced they are powerless, that they cannot stand up against the resistance, the negativity of life, so they feel small and helpless. You, as a spiritual therapist, are the one who invites that person to again find and experience their strength. You encourage them to re-discover their own greatness, to keep the inner spark of God awake. And how do you do that? Not by giving that person something that makes them feel better, something that comes from outside, but by your believing in the power of that person's soul. You do it by connecting with their soul, and from there to show your client through your eyes, and your words, gestures, and gaze that you believe in them. Show them that you know of the strength, beauty, and wisdom of their soul. And because of this knowledge, and through your faith and trust in what they really are, the client also receives hope and trust."

The Rhythm of the Earth

"You are here on Earth to give form to your soul's energy in an earthly way, and that is only possible if you feel at home on Earth. You all carry baggage from the past that makes this difficult and makes you feel unsafe in your body when among people, and even with yourself and your emotions – and I see this.
There is a struggle caused by the gap between light, warmth, and security on one side, and the fear and cold you experience on the other. However, I appeal to you, to the deepest consciousness within you, that the light, warmth, and security are stronger than the fear and the cold. You can feel this in your everyday life by connecting with the Earth, nature, and your own lower abdomen and pelvis.
There is safety there, and there is love, and you will find the answers there which you seek – they come from rest and relaxation. Never connect with the answers which come from your head. It is the connection with your earthly being and earthly nature from which you can really understand, comfort, and encourage yourself. Surrender to the Earth! That is the first step toward becoming whole.

New book The Forbidden Female Speak now also available as E-book in ePub, and Kindle format


Pamela’s new book is now also available as E-book in ePub, and Kindle format.

The book contains a dialogue with and channelled messages from Mary Magdalene about love, relationships, sexuality and healing the wounds in women and men.

It’s available through our website ( and through Amazon.

Information about the book

Read a free excerpt


Warm regards,

Gerrit and Pamela



Books by Pamela Kribbe