Newsletter March 2017

Dear reader,

There are two new channelings available on

The Dance With Darkness

"Now ask yourself – and this is something you need to ask continually – "Why did I enter into this dance, the dance with illusion, the dance with seduction, the dance with darkness?" Because the darkness wants to be transformed through you. You are an angel of light. You wanted to take up the dance with matter and uncertainty, because there is so much love in you."

The Two Faces of God

"Life is meant to be celebrated in surrender and spontaneity. Imagine for a moment that I take you to the beginning of creation. Actually, there has never been a beginning, but to make it comprehensible, I shall speak of a beginning. Imagine that the essence of God, of creation, is a concentrated central fire full of potential, but there is still no distinction, no differentiation, only the One. Feel the deeply focused power of that fiery core. Feel a deep spacious silence that is all encompassing and at the same time also has great urgency; a pressing power that wants to open out as does a flower in the Spring. There is a longing for creation in the heart of God, a desire for experience, variety, diversity, richness in the possibilities of creation."

Warm regards,

Gerrit and Pamela


Books by Pamela Kribbe