Newsletter April 2011

Dear friend,

We are happy to let you know that a new channeling from Jeshua has been posted on our website It is called “The Stone – Embracing the dance between spirit and body” and you can find it on the Opening Page or in the series “Mornings with Jeshua” (menu on the left).

In this new channelling, Jeshua invites us to connect to the part of us that feels most dense and stuck. This part can be visualised as a stone, the proverbial millstone around the neck. Connecting to this part of us with an open heart will light up the stone from the inside out. Through our compassion, it will transform into a precious gemstone, which holds your unique light.

Jeshua also goes into the question why we started our journey of incarnation to begin with, and why we agreed to encounter darkness and density on our way. He wants to bring out the greater meaning of our sacred journey as a human being and to invite us to embrace the dance of spirit and body with joy again.

Wishing you peace and joy in your heart,

Pamela & Gerrit

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